περιοδικό: Καταγγελία από το Καρπενήσι
σε χαλεπούς καιρούς! κάποιοι το έχουν ρίξει στο κέντημα!
"Ν' αγαπάς την ευθύνη.Να λες:Εγώ, εγώ μονάχος μου έχω χρέος να σώσω τη γης.Αν δε σωθεί, εγώ φταίω."
Bubbles | Håkan Dahlström Photography
Κύριε Σαμαρά ….κάποια πράγματα δεν γυρίζουν πίσω! « Νότια του Βασιλείου της Δανιμαρκίας»
πριν ενα χρονο εγραψα....
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..Τα λόγια που είπες
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..Οι ευκαιρείες που έχασες
Zero Gravity Airplane Seating
While its garish yellow crocodile skin might not be your upholstery of choice (it was intended to be eye-catching at a recent exhibition), the Zero Gravity recliner is the latest in airplane seating and is one seriously comfy ride. Created by B/E Aerospace, the Zero Gravity seat elevates your knees above your heart to increase circulation flow, reducing the risk of deep vein thrombosis. And the larger angle between your pelvis and back probably makes it more comfortable than even your bed at home. No word yet on which airline will introduce it first, although early-adopting passengers will most certainly have to pony up for a business- or first-class ticket to try it. We like this a whole lot more than industry plans to test "standing seats."
Meet the world's most frequent fliers |
The Internet Is Still Not For Everyone – woorkup.com
It radically changed the way we all interact and it has become the main medium of mass communication of our (if not all) time. Nevertheless it is used by just a few. How and why the Internet is still a technology available to less than 29% of the global population.