μετα απο παρακληση του ΠΑΝΟΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ φιλοξενω το πιο κατω:
δεν εχω αποψη στο θεμα, γιατι δεν το εχω ψαξει.
Τετάρτη, 2 Απρίλιος 2008
Καλησπερα.Ξερω οτι αυτη την στιγμη στην πατριδα η προσοχη και η αναμονη ειναι στραμμενες σε θεματα πολυ πιο σπουδαια απ'αυτο στο οποιο θα ηθελα να σας επιστησω την προσοχη και να ζητησω την συμπαρασταση σας.Γνωριζω ωρισμενα παιδια τα οποια θαυμαζω γιατι αγωνιζονται εμπρακτως γι'αυτα που πιστευουν και οταν ζητανε συμπαρασταση εγω δινω το παρον.Τα ιδεωδη που τους διαπνεουν ειναι τα ιδια που διαπνεουν τους νεους ολης της υφηλιου που εχουν ηθικη συνειδηση,εντιμοτητα και κυριως ανεπτυγμενο αισθημα δικαιοσυνης και νομικοτητας.Η μαχη που δινουν αυτη την στιγμη ειναι μια μαχη στην κυριολεξια ζωης η θανατου.Προκειται για μια ενδειξη αλληλεγγυης και συμπαραστασης προς εναν ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟ ΠΟΥ ΕΙΧΕ ΤΟ ΚΟΥΡΑΓΙΟ ΝΑ ΠΗ ΟΧΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΜΑΦΙΑ.Για μας τους Ελληνες ισως αυτο να μην σημαινει τιποτα αλλα σας διαβεβαιωνω οτι στην Ιταλια σημαινει τα παντα.Εχουμε αναγκη να δειξουμε σ'αυτον τον ανθρωπο οτι δεν ειναι μονος του και οτι υπαρχουν ανθρωποι καλης θελησεως χωρις συνορα και πατριδες που κανουν δικο τους και τον δικο του αγωνα εναντια στις ΜΑΦΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΤΟ ΟΡΓΑΝΩΜΕΝΟ ΕΓΚΛΗΜΑ.Ειναι ενα μηνυμα ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ που δεν πρεπει να μεινει ανυπερασπιστο. ΣΑΣ ΔΙΝΩ ΤΟΝ ΛΟΓΟ ΜΟΥ ΟΤΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΝΑ ΖΗΤΗΜΑ ΣΟΒΑΡΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΟ'.ΣΑΣ ΖΗΤΑΩ ΑΠΛΩΣ ΑΦΟΥ ΠΡΩΤΑ ΔΙΑΒΑΣΕΤΕ ΤΟ ΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ ΠΟΥ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΕΙ, ΝΑ ΔΕΙΞΕΤΕ Ο ΚΑΘΕΝΑΣ ΜΕ ΤΟ ΤΡΟΠΟ ΠΟΥ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΣΥΜΠΑΡΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΣΑΣ.ΕΙΤΕ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΠΤΟΜΕΝΟΙ ΑΠΛΩΣ ΤΟ "SITE" ΕΙΤΕ ΔΙΑΔΙΔΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΟ ΓΕΓΟΝΟΣ ΜΕΣΩ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΚΤΥΟΥ. ΣΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ,ΠΑΝΟΣ ΒΛΑΧΟΣ.
PRESS RELEASEITALIAN BUILDING DEVELOPER GIUSEPPE “PINO” MASCIARI, WHO HASREBELLED AGAINST THE MAFIA IN CALABRIA, IS LEAVING THE PLACEWHERE HE LIVES UNDER THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM,WITHOUT POLICE ESCORT, TO GO BACK TO CALABRIA AS AN EXTREMEFORM OF PROTEST, WHILE HE IS AWAITING FOR A RESPONSE FROM THEPOLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT; HE SIMULTANEOUSLY SEEKS ASYLUM ORADOPTION FOR HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN IN ANOTHER COUNTRY.I am an enterpreneur from Calabria who chose not to submit to the racket and who reported to the police dozens of people belonging to the local mafia network (the “’ndrangheta”) and their accomplices inside the institutions. Since 17 October 1997 I have been on a witness protection program: I was taken away from Calabria and dumped into a tunnel with no way out. For the past eleven years I have been the victim of countless episodes of neglect of duty, contrary to the lawand even to human dignity, committed by those institutions which were supposed to provide me protection. I have been abandoned to my fate together with my family, we have been thrown apart from our relatives and friends, exiled from our native land, I have lost the building companies I owned as a building developer and my wife has lost her job as a dentist. First they took bread away from me, then they took away freedom, and finally they took away hope.After spending eleven years waiting and trusting the institutions, today I have to admit that circumstances do not allow my family to live in Italy any longer, owing to the situation of desertion and the absence of the organizations that should have provided us protection constantly and watchfully in what was supposed to be a safe location.In conclusion, I find myself to be, together with my family, an easy target for the mafia’s retaliation,in the current alarming situation in which the local mafia (the 'ndrangheta) is fighting back furiously and increasingly.Therefore I formally ask Prime Minister Mr Romano Prodi, Minister of the Interior Mr Giuliano Amato and Vice Minister of the Interior Mr Marco Minniti, who is also the President of the Central Committee pursuant to Article 10 of the Law 82/91, to settle my year-long issue quickly, before the general election, by ensuring the right to work and the present and future security and safety for me and my family.At the same time I formally ask any Country in the European Union or any other Country to adopt my family, i.e. my wife and my two children, so that such country may take care of them, ensuring them the necessary safety.As to me, I am not seeking asylum! I choose to go on living in my country, risking my life, so as to be able to continue to denounce and report, both as a citizen and as a legal witness, the powerlessness of the institutions, whose words are never translated into concrete actions, and to go on telling the truth about the struggle against the mafia in Italy: he or she who won’t come to terms with the mafia ways must be bumped off, one way or the other.Therefore today I am leaving the safe location where I have been living and heading to Calabria, where I will face my fate, keeping at least the dignity that I was able to defend from the attacks of the ‘ndrangheta and, more recently, of the institutions.Then I will go to Rome, to demonstrate in front of the buildings of the Ministries and the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, where my appeal against the unjust revocation of the protection program, that is tantamount to a death penalty, has been disgracefully pending for more than three years.I will go around Italy. I am confident that the many citizens, associations, groups and Meetups, as well as the sound parts of the institutions and of the politics that I have met during these years, will stand by me, since they share my choice and they also recognize the values of lawfulness and justice as theirs own.The former Antimafia Commission of the Italian Parliament had already analyzed and examined “the case of the businessman Giuseppe Masciari” in depth, during the past (the fourteenth) legislature; such Commission had acknowledged the grounds of my issue (please refer to the following documents: Approval of the Report of the Witness Committee of 9 March 2005 –Shorthand Report of the 69th meeting of 14 June 2005 – Approval of the Minority Report of 18 January 2006, p. 72 "Witnesses against the mafia: a humiliated resource").The present Antimafia Commission of the 15th legislature of the Italian Parliament, in its meeting of Tuesday 19 February 2008, approved the Yearly Report about the 'ndrangheta (rapporteur Mr Forgione M.P.) and the Report about the Witnesses against the Mafia (rapporteuse Ms. Napoli M.P.), in which the " serious failures in the efficiency of the protection program, often resulting from incapacity, neglect and irresponsibility" are clearly set forth; therefore "the State must make up forthe ground lost to the citizens who have shown that they have an exemplary civic mind". The Antimafia Commission has thus acknowledged the respect of the rights of the witnesses against the mafia, who are a resource to be rewarded, and not to be humiliated. In the report about the `ndrangheta the Commission has recognized the danger represented by such criminal organization worldwide.The institutions, the politicians, Confindustria (the Association of Italian Industries) are collectors of good intentions, which are never followed by concrete facts. I don’t need to be patted on my shoulder, but to be given safety, security, and the possibility to work; my wife, my children and I need to be granted a safe future.If people who have chosen to stand for Justice accumulate only hardships, thus becoming a tangible example of the failure of a rapid response of the State, this will not be just Pino Masciari’s defeat, but Italy’s defeat and the ’ndrangheta’s victory. The ‘ndrangheta has continued and will continue to do business multiplying its profits: in fact the ‘ndrangheta’s income in Calabria amounts to 35,000,000,000 Euros, a lot of dirty money, where I have not been given back the right to go back to be a businessman as I was. Moreover, a resolution of the Ministry of the Interiordated 28 July 2004 " does not allow to authorize the witness Giuseppe Masciari and his family to return to their home town, owing to the existence of serious and impending risks ".This is a defeat for the Italian State and an extremely discouraging message for other people who will be faced with the decision whether to report or to give in when threatened by the mafia.Yet I unwaveringly confirm and state until the end that I do not regret in the least my behaviour, because I believe that reporting crime is a duty for every citizen belonging to a State that can regard itself as subject to the rule of law.31 March 2008
Giuseppe (Pino) Masciari
Contacts:pinomasciari@gmail.compino59@emailhttp://www.pinomasciari.orgDavide + 39-348-8079996Roberto +39-347-5129117
Αναρτήθηκε από Πανος Βλαχος/Panos Vlachos στις 9:21 μμ 0 σχόλια
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Panos Vlachos translated for me your introduction to the press relaase of Pino Masciari.
I am one of "Pino Masciari's Friends" and I really want to thank you for your attention. Every single action could help save his life: seeing his story is spreading worldwide could be very helpful to convince Italian authorities to finally help him and his family.
Thanks a lot: we really appreciated!
Ps: in Pino Masciari's website, we put the link to your blog and to Panos' one, thanking you and Greece for being always "a step beyond" anyone else in the world.
Thank you and thank Greece!
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